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In Houston call: 713.739.7070
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Misaligned joints or vertebrae often pinch nerves which often causes dull, sharp or excruciating pain. Dr. Bailey actually realigns your joints or vertebrae in the proper position with "adjustments" to release the pinched nerve(s) and reduce or eliminate the pain in your neck, shoulders, back, knees, hands and feet.
First-time patients will undergo a thorough exam, including X-ray, if necessary, to determine the cause and proper treatment. Often times, only 1-2 treatments can restore a patient to normal health and wellness!
Call 713-739-7070 today to schedule your exam!
MLS Laser therapy has been cleared by the FDA and proven successful as evidenced by extensive studies.
In just 8-16 minutes, 90% of patients experience up to 90% relief of their pain without any side effects, drugs, or painful injections!
Dr. Bailey has used MLS Laser to successfully eliminate pain in shoulders, neck, mid-back, low back, sciatica, knees, feet and hands.
This therapy is non-invasive & painless!
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